- Precise classification and regional delineation of maturity groups in soybean cultivars across Chin...
- A CYP78As–small grain4–coat protein complex II pathway promotes grain size in rice
- A transcription factor ZmGLK36 confers broad resistance to maize rough dwarf disease in cereal crops
- A Glu209Lys substitution in DRG1/TaACT7, which disturbsF-actin organization, reduces plant height an...
- Comparative and population genomics of buckwheat species reveal key determinants of flavor and ferti...
- Natural variations of HvSRN1 modulate the spike rachis node number in barley
- Deep learning-enabled discovery and characterization ofHKTgenes inSpartina alterniflora
- Quantifying effect of maize tassels on LAI estimation based on multispectral imagery and machine lea...
- Single-cell RNA sequencing profiles reveal cell type-specific transcriptional regulation networks co...
- Anther-specific expression of OsRIP1 causes dominant male sterility in rice