304永利:Ganggang Guo
GangGang Guo
Head of the Research Group of Minor Cereal Crops Germplasm
Center for Crop Germplasm Resources
Institute of Crop Sciences
No.80 XueYuanNanLu
Beijing, 100081, China
- 2004-2009, PhD in Plant Genetics and Breeding, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China
- 2000-2004, BS in Horticulture, Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu,China
Working Experience
- 2016.12-2017.11, Visiting scholar, IPK-Gatersleben, GGR
- 2016.4-2016.7, Guest scientist, Bioversity International(Montpellier, France)
- 2009-Now, Professor, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Interests
- Barley germplasm conservation, utilization, and diversity
- Barley germplasm evaluation, and gene investigation
- Barley molecular breeding
Academic Qualifications
- Principal investigator of MCCG
Selected Publications (*corresponding authors)
Xu D, Sun D, Diao Y, Liu M, Gao J, Wu B, Yuan X, Lu P, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Guo G. 2018. Fast mapping of a chlorophyll b synthesis-deficiency gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) via bulked-segregant analysis with reduced-representation sequencing. The Crop Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2018.07.002
Fan C, Zhai H, Wang H, Yue Y, Zhang M, Li J, Wen S, Guo G, Zeng Y, Ni Z, You M. 2017. Identification of QTLs controlling grain protein concentration using a high-density SNP and SSR linkage map in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). BMC Plant Biology, 17(1):122.
Dondup D, Dong G, Xu D, Zhang L, Sang Z, Yuan X, Tashi N, Zhang J, Guo G. 2016. Allelic variation and geographic distribution of vernalization genes HvVRN1 and HvVRN2 in Chinese barley germplasm. Molecular Breeding, 36:11
Qin D, Dong J, Xu F, Guo G, Ge S, Xu Q, Xu Y, Li M. 2015. Characterization and fine mapping of a novel barley Stage Green- Revertible Albino Gene (HvSGRA) by Bulked Segregant Analysis based on SSR assay and Specific Length Amplified Fragment Sequencing. BMC Genomics, 16:838
Guo G, Dondup D, Yuan X, Gu F, Wang D, Jia F, Lin Z, Baum M, Zhang J. 2014. Rare allele of HvLOX1 associated with lipoxygenase activity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Theor Appl Genet, 127:2095鈥�2103
Guo G, Dondup D, Zhang L, Hu S, Yuan X, Zhang J. 2014. Identification of SNP in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by deep sequencing of six RRLs. The Crop Journal, 2(6): 419-425
Members of Research Group
Jing Zhang, Xingmiao Yuan, Bin Wu, Ping Lu, Minxuan Liu, Jia Gao