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304永利:Assistant: Li Congfeng-Institute of Crop Science of CAAS


Name: Li Congfeng

Phone: 010-82106042

E-mail: licongfeng@caas.cn                                             

Research group: Maize cultivation

Education and Employment History:

2011-up to now: Assistant and Associated Professor, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

2009-2011: Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Post PhD

2006-2009: Shandong Agriculture University, PhD

2003-2006: Shandong Agriculture University, MS

1999-2003: Shandong Agriculture University, BS

Scientific Interests:

1. Physiological and ecological of canopy-root interaction for maize high yield.

2. The mechanisms and key regulation technologyof the formation of maize yield and production efficiency differences.

3. Integration and application of simplified and efficient mechnized technology for maize high density planting.

Prizes and Awards

1.2015: Research and application of high yield and high efficiency production theory and technology system of maize canopy and tillage layer, the second prize of national science and technology progress award, the 4th contributor.

2.2012: Innovation and application of maize high production and optimization technology, the second prize of science and technology progress award, Beijing, the 3rd contributor.

3.2012: Research and application of maize high production and optimization technology, the first prize of technology invention award, CAAS, the 3rd contributor.

4.2013: Technology of light and temperature resources allocation and crop high yield and high efficiencyand yield cultivation for double cropping systems, the first prize of technology invention award, CAAS, the 10th contributor.

5.2017: Selection and application of density-resistant and high yield maize hybrids-Zhongdan 909, first prize of China Agriculture Science and Technology Award, the 12th contributor.

Research Grants:

1.Special construction of national corn industry technology system (Post scientist CARS-02-12), project leader.

2.National key research and development program, the yield of grain crops and difference of efficiency level and mechanism of increasing yield and efficiency (2016YFD0300103), sub-project leader.

3.National Science and technology support program, key technologies and model of soil quality improvement in spring maize producing area, west of Northeast China (2017YFD0300804), participant.

Selected Publications:

1.Piao Lin, Qi Hua, Li Congfeng*, Zhao Ming*. Optimized Tillage Practices and Row Spacing to Improve Grain Yield and Dry Matter Transport Efficiency in Intensive Spring Maize.Field Crops Research, 2016, 198, 258268.

2.Li Congfeng, Tao Zhiqiang, Zhuang K-zhang, Dong Shuting and Zhao Ming*. Grain Yield Increase with Improved Photosynthetic Characters in Modern Maize Parent Lines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2015, 14(9): 1735-1744

3.Xu Jie, Li Congfeng, Liu Huitao, Zhou Peilu, Tao Zhiqiang, Wang Pu, Meng Qingfeng, Zhao Ming*. The Effects of Plastic Film Mulching on Maize Growth and Water Use in Dry and Rainy Years in Northeast China, PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/May 13, 2015

4.Tao Zhiqiang1, Li Congfeng1, Li Jingjing, Ding Zaisong, Xu Jie, Sun Xuefang, Zhou Peilu, Zhao Ming*.Tillage and straw mulching impacts on grain yield and water use efficiency of spring maize in Northern Huang-Huai-Hai Valley.The Crop Journal, 2015(3), 445-450

5.Jia Shifang1, Li Congfeng1, Dong Shuting*, Zhang Jiwang. Effects of Shading at Different Stages After Anthesis on Maize Grain Weight and Quality at Cytology Level, Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,10(1): 58-69

6.Piao Lin, Ren Hon, Zhan Ming, Cao Cougui, Qi Hua, Zhao Ming*, Li Congfeng*. Effect of Cultivation Measures and Their Interactions on Grain Yield and Density Resistance of Spring Maize. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(11):1982-1994 (in Chinese)

7.Zhou Peilu, Ren Hong, Qi Hua, Zhao Ming*, Li Congfeng*. Effect of Cultivation Measures and Their Interactions on Grain Yield and Density Resistance of Spring Maize. Acta Agronomica Sinica ,2017,43(2):264-277 (in Chinese).

8.Li Congfeng, Zhao Ming, Liu Peng, Zhang Jiwang, Yang Jinsheng, Liu Jingguo, Wang Kongjun, Dong Shuting. Responses of Main Traits of Maize Hybrids and Their Parents to Density in Different Eras of China, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013,46(12):2421-2429 (in Chinese).

9.Zhao Ming, Li Congfeng, et al. Crop Yield and High Productivity Technology [M]. 2013, China Agriculture Press, Beijing (in Chinese).

10.Li Congfeng. Tweenty Four Solar Terms and Agricultual Production [M]. 2014, Chinese Press of Labor and Soical Security, Beijing (in Chinese).

Patent Grants:

1.Zhao Ming, Li Congfeng, Tao Zhiqiang. Quantitative Dynamic Analysis of Maize Growth and Its High Yield and Efficient Management System. (No. 2014SR148382)

2.Li Congfeng, Zhao Ming, Zhou Peilu. A Low Temperature and Drought Resistant Seed Treatment Agent and Its Preparation Method (No. 2015109379605)

3.Li Congfeng, Zhao Ming, Zhou Peilu. A cold and drought resistant seed treatment method (No.2015109379179)

