304永利:LI Wenxue
Professor Dr. Li Wen-Xue
Institute of Crop Science
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Beijing, 100081
E-mail: liwenxue@caas.cn
Education Background
09. 1998-07. 2001 PH. D from China Agricultural University
09. 1995-07. 1998 M.S. from Shenyang Agricultural University
09. 1991-07. 1995 B.S. from Shenyang Agricultural University
Work Experience
10. 2010-Present Professor, Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
06. 2006-12. 2008 Visiting Scientist, University of California, USA
04. 2003-04. 2004 Post-doctoral fellow, Bielefeld University, Germany
09. 2003-10. 2010 Associate Professor, China Agricultural University
07. 2001-03. 2003 Post-doctoral fellow, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Interests
Identification of nutrient-responsive maize MicroRNAs
With the discovery of small regulatory 21 to 24-nt RNAs, researchers recognized the important roles of small RNAs in posttranscriptional gene regulation. These small RNAs are mainly composed of microRNAs (miRNA) and small interfering RNAs (siRNA). Plant miRNAs are involved in various developmental processes, including flowering, leaf and root development, embryo development, and auxin signaling. Recent studies have also revealed that miRNAs regulate plant adaptive responses to nutrient deprivation, including phosphorus, sulfate, copper, and iron. Pant et al. (2009) also found several N-responsive miRNAs in Arabidopsis but the functional significance of these miRNAs in adaptive responses to N/P limitation remains to be explored.
With the support of genetically modified organisms breeding major projects, my efforts are focusing on the identification of nutrient-responsive maize MicroRNAs. We have attained some miRNAs specially induced by nitrogen-starvation and verified their targets by bioinformatics predication, degradome, and 5′-RACE. Now, we are analyzing their functions by different kinds of transgenic maize.
The function of miRNA in drought resistance in plants
Our previous results have demonstrated that miR169 played a key role in drought resistance in Arabidopsis: miR169 was down-regulated by drought stress through an ABA-dependent pathway; Analysis of the expression of miR169 precursors showed that miR169a and miR169c were substantially down-regulated by drought stress; Co-expression of miR169 and NFYA5 suggested that miR169a was more efficient than miR169c at repressing the NFYA5 mRNA level.
We kept on isolating miRNAs related to water stress (drought, dehydration) and found a new kind of miRNA, whose biogenesis was not dependent on DCL1. The function and regulation pattern are further investigated.
The long term goal of this project was to develop new strategies to improve crop productivity and sustainability in agriculture and environment, especially to breed of drought-resistant cultivar.
Publications(*corresponding author)
Zhang H, Uddin MS, Zou C, Xie C, Xu Y and Li WX*. 2014. Meta-analysis and candidate gene mining of low-phosphorus tolerance in maize. JIPB 56: 262-270
Liu W, Tai H, Li S, Gao W, Zhao M, Xie C and Li WX*. 2014. bHLH122 is important for drought and osmotic-stress resistance in Arabidopsis through direct repression of ABA catabolism. New Phytol 201: 1192-1204
Zhao Y, Xu Z, Mo Q, Zou C, Li WX, Xu Y and Xie C. 2013. Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing reveals novel miRNAs and their targets in response to low nitrate availability in maize. Ann Bot 112: 633-42
Zhao M, Tai H, Sun S, Zhang F, Xu Y and Li WX*. 2012. Cloning and characterization of maize miRNAs involved in responses to nitrogen deficiency. PLoS ONE 7: e29669
Zhao M, Ding H, Li J, Zhang F and Li WX*. 2011. Involvement of miR169 in the nitrogen-starvation responses in Arabidopsis. New Phytol 190: 906-915
Ding H, Duan L, Li H, Yan H, Zhao M, Zhang F and Li WX*. 2010. Cloning and functional analysis of AhIRT1 during iron deficiency stress and intercropping of peanut with maize. J Plant Physiol 167: 996-1002
Ding H, Duan LH, Wu HL, Yang RX, Ling HQ, Li WX* and Zhang FS. 2009. Regulation of AhFRO1 during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize. Physiol Plantarum 136:274-283
Li WX , Oono Y, Zhu J, He XJ, Wu JM, Iida K, Lu XY, Cui J, Jin H and Zhu JK. 2008. The Arabidopsis NFYA5 transcription factor is regulated transcriptionally and posttranscriptionally to promote drought resistance. Plant Cell 20: 2238-2251
Zheng X, Pontes O, Zhu J, Miki D, Zhang F, Li WX, Iida K, Kapoor A, Pikaard CS and Zhu JK. 2008. ROS3, an RNA-binding protein required for DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis. Nature 455: 1259-1262
Lamkemeyer P, Laxa M, Collin V, Li WX, Finkemeier I, Schottler MA, Holtkamp V, Issakidis-Bourguet E, Kandlbinder A, Weiss E, Miroslawa Miginiac-Maslow M and Dietz KJ. 2006. PrxQ of Arabidopsis thaliana is located in the thylakoids and involved in photosynthetic metabolism. Plant J 45: 968-981
Li WX, Chen TB, Huang ZC, Lei M and Liao XY. 2006. Effects of arsenic on the chloroplast ultrastructure and calcium distribution of brake fern. Chemosphere 62:803-809
Li WX, Li L, Sun J, Guo T, Zhang F, Bao X, Peng A and Tang C. 2005. Effects of intercropping and nitrogen application on amounts of nitrate presented in the soil profile. Agr Ecosys Envrion105(3): 483-491
Li WX, Li L, Sun J, Zhang F and Christie P. 2003. Effects offertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus and intercropping on nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by wheat, maize and faba bean. J Plant Nutr 26(3): 629-642
Li WX, Wang Z, Mi G, Han X and Zhang F. 2001. Molybdenum deficiency in winter wheat seedlings as enhanced by freezing low temperature. J Plant Nutr 24(8): 1195-1203